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The Truth About Peeing Calvin

Calvin and Hobbes is a beloved comic strip that ran from 1985 to 1995, created by American cartoonist Bill Watterson. The comic follows the adventures of a young boy named Calvin and his stuffed tiger, Hobbes, who comes to life in his imagination.

Calvin is a precocious and imaginative child who often gets into trouble at school and at home. Hobbes serves as Calvin's best friend and confidant, often acting as a voice of reason or a sounding board for Calvin's wild ideas.

The strip combines humor, philosophy, and social commentary, and is known for its beautiful artwork, imaginative storytelling, and witty dialogue. It has been widely praised for its insights into the nature of childhood, the importance of imagination, and the complexities of the human experience.

Despite its short run, Calvin and Hobbes remains a beloved cultural touchstone and continues to inspire readers of all ages with its timeless humor, warmth, and wisdom.